Legal Library

Access NVRI’s legal documents on any case by clicking on the list below.

Cases are arranged by subject matter:

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Challenging the Wealth Primary

NVRI has pioneered legal challenges to the system of private campaign financing, which makes access to wealth a precondition for elected office – the "wealth primary."

Click here for more information about the wealth primary.

Active Case

Concluded cases

Defending Spending Limits: Re-Examining Buckley V. Valeo

By defending state and local limits on candidate expenditures, NVRI has been at the forefront of efforts to revisit the Supreme Court’s 1976 Buckley v. Valeo decision invalidating federal spending limits.

Click here to learn more about NVRI's work defending campaign spending limits

Active Cases:

Concluded Cases

Defending Other Reforms

NVRI has defended a broad range of campaign finance reform measures, from contribution limits to disclosure provisions and public funding of elections.

Click here for more infomation about NVRI's defense of meaningful campaign finance reforms

Active Cases

Concluded Cases

Challenging Other Barriers to Political Participation

NVRI litigates on behalf of voters around the country to strike down wealth barriers to political participation, to force observance of the existing laws designed to protect the integrity of the political process, and to vindicate the basic political rights protected by our Constitution.

Click here for more information about NVRI's work to challenge barriers to political participation.

Active Cases

Concluded Cases